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This group focuses on development news and upcoming features for Basket Case.

Features that are announced here exist on a separate dev server and will be pushed to the live server at a future date.
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This group has 4 subscribers.

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test posted
3 years ago
Hey all, glad to be back! I took a longer than expected break from dev but I got a lot of rest and relaxation in so yay! Also, Severance is now my new favorite show ever.

Latest changes on DEV:
* Been experimenting with a "RIM to Flight Stat Calculator" for fun, more on this later..
* Honestly, that has taken most of the night, tired now! Gnite!
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest DEV changes:
* More Scorecard changes:
* They can finally be "finalized"
* They can now have a description
* Changes to the options dialog: Tabs and more!
* Changes to the toolbar: Better way to switch between modes
* Scorecard List shows more info
* K, sleepy time...
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test posted
3 years ago
Changes on DEV:
* Scorecard changes:
* User order can be re-arranged
* Users can be renamed and removed
* Users can be "linked" to a username
* Add user button moved into edit mode
* Sleepy time... zzzz....
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest changes on DEV:
* You can now create Scorecards!
* New throw-tracker options: Drive, Approach and Putt (thanks @mikerone)
* You can also edit the number of holes, par and grouping options
* Removed course view (for now)
* Changed some of the icons on the Scorecard toolbar
* New Large / Icon mode on Scorecard
* Tired. Sleepy time zzz
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test commented
3 years ago
Things I need to do before Scorecards can be pushed live:
* can't delete them yet
* cant rename or remove users
* cant re-arrange the user order
* cant 'finalize' a card
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mikerone commented
3 years ago
I'm so excited, I just can't hide it!!!!!! this is awesome.
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest DEV changes:
* Can't say yet but if you know you know :)
* Sleepy time!
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test posted
3 years ago
DEV changes:
* Fixed bug where scorecard totals weren't totaling and a couple other things
* Tired! The time change didn't help lol
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test commented
3 years ago
@mikerone I noticed you replaced your round 2 scorecard data with another event. I assume you did that since the system wont yet let anyone create new ones so I gave you a few more. I also put that other one back in just in case you still wanted a record of it, if not let me know and i'll remove it
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test posted
3 years ago
Changes on DEV:
* Default Bag Sorting now includes by Disc Speed (thx @mikerone)
* Imported & Integrated PDGA Approved Discs Stats with our Flight Stat data (by "our" I mean @mikerone for gathering all the flight data on the site lol)
* Disc Brand Badges now show if a disc is PDGA Approved
* Brands Page has been redesigned to include search and new PDGA stats
* More stuff probably.. cant remember :P
* Sleepy time incoming... zzz
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test commented
3 years ago
Extra bonus info:
* The PDGA Import added 15 New Brands
* It also added 172 New Discs
* And 593 of our existing discs gained new additional stats
* So, I spent the last couple hours searching for more logos and converting nasty JPGs to transparent PNGs: 33 New Logos!
* K sleepy time for reals now...
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mikerone commented
3 years ago
Holy Statman Batman! That is some haul of data, yes sir!
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest DEV update:
* Front Page and Profile Feeds now include News posts!
* Top Level posts now show a preview of where they were posted
* Comment Images can be clicked to view larger (works best on desktop for now)
* Getting sleepy... zzz
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test posted
3 years ago
DEV changes tonight:
* Disc Sorting is back! Simply edit a bag and choose to sort by: User Rating, Date Uploaded, or Recently Modified (long story short the way disc sorting works had to be changed due to technical limitations and the other solution felt janky af)
* Experimenting with a new kind of comment that displays when a user uploads discs. They cannot be generated by users at the moment, the one that exists was created in the database
* Experimenting with a new table view in the List Grid component. My Bags is the only module that currently uses it
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test commented
3 years ago
More Stuff before I crash...
* Made some visual tweaks to the nav bar, mainly on mobile it highlights the section you are in, they feel more like buttons too
* Modified the layout of the My Discs section of the profile
* You can now view, search and sort all discs for a user
* Added a register button next to login (thx @sakuyaslove)
* Added some reasons to signup on the login/register form (thx @sakuyaslove)
* k sleepy time nite nite ZZZZZZ
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest on DEV:
* Home page now shows quick links to the six major site sections
* Added 17 new YouTube feeds!
* Worked more on scorecards but nothing much
* Sleepy time soon.. zzz
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test posted
3 years ago
New Features on DEV! Did you notice them?

Spoilers in comments... lol
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test commented
3 years ago
Ok, here's whats new on DEV:
* Posts & Comments now indicate if they are uploading or posting. No more double posts!
* Playing around with Multi-Image and Image Carousel support on top-level posts. The post above can render the content, but you cannot upload multiple images to a post yet
* Improvements to Sorting on all modules
* All modules have a new "Submit content" message
* Started on a new Form Manager component that will enhance search in the future and help speed up other areas
* Yawn. Tired. G'nite!
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test commented
3 years ago
Also, thanks for informing me about the double-post bug @mikerone and sorry for the oversight!
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest DEV changes:
* Finished up the SEO stuff. Every page is better described for search engines
* Honestly that's about it for tonight, I started late and am now tired
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest changes on DEV server:
* Upgraded to FontAwesome 6!
* Most of the modules have had their meta tags overhauled. No, not fb meta. Also, SEO was getting neglected after a couple major changes
* This includes better page titles, descriptions and what image comes up when you share us to a social network. For example when sharing news, it will suggest the image from the article. If you share the front page it will suggest a picture of the front page.
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest DEV changes:
* New profile settings! Throw style, location and how long you've been playing! These will show on your profile and on comments if enabled
* Restyled the Profile Nav Bar to make the selected page a little more clear
* Also, the Profile Nav Bar will now change its look depending on the device size.. I hope its easier to navigate on mobile now
* My Bags has been moved to it's own section/url to reduce clutter on the new sticky column thing
* Tired, bed time!
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest changes to DEV server:
* Updates to Disc Selector dialog WIP
* Fixed an oopsie doopsie that broke most of the modules on dev for most of yesterday
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test commented
3 years ago
One more thing:
* Made a new global component for making columns stick to the top when scrolling on desktop. A good example is here: https://charlie.dev.bag.golf/groups/9b296c2a-basket-case-dev
Scroll down on desktop and you should see the left column stick to the top as you begin to scroll past it when there is lots of context on the right column (or vice versa). Behaves the same as it did before on mobile.
* Just noticed links in comments have been broken. Fixed!
* Noticed my groups weren't showing subscribed after login. It now updates if you login while on a group page
* Then I noticed the user follow feature is doing the same thing but I have not fixed it yet, I am le tired. Grrr.. lol Gnite!
Basket Case

A disc golf community

Basket Case

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mikerone commented
3 years ago
The scrolling is nice, keeps info right in front of you. Awesome sauce :)
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest changes to DEV:
* Password Reset! If you forget your password, worry not, we got your back! You can find it in the login box.
* Relaxed password complexity a bit now that we have email recovery in place
* The News section now supports Search, Sorting and Pagination
* Reordered the Navigation slightly
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test commented
3 years ago
Oh and you can tag someone with their username by putting an @ symbol in front of it.. @test @chuck @mikerone

Users will not yet be notified. WIP
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test commented
3 years ago
More updates:
* You can now search a users bag when viewing it
* Our ListGrid component now support local Search and Sorting so now all the main site modules can do it too! Very fast I might add!
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest DEV changes:
* Profile Background Presets! Not sure what to use for your profile's background? Choose from some that we think look pretty cool! Don't be like Pepe.. just go to settings and click style!
* Disc Editor, Park Check-in, and Private Chat are now using the new Dialog System I announced the other day
* The new Disc Selector in the Disc Editor is all linked up (as well as a couple the new private fields for keeping track of rentals and other private notes)
* Fixed a couple bugs and some other stuff that wasn't super exciting... gnite!
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test commented
3 years ago
@mikerone you should now have an easier time closing the private chat dialog on mobile. The new dialog system enforces a maximum height so there is always space to click outside the dialog (above/below) to dismiss it. The only exception is if the dialog supplies it's own close button. Let me know what you think :)
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest changes so far on DEV tonight:
* Colorful profiles! Select a color in your profile settings and it will represent you site-wide in comments and stuff. This is still very much a WIP and just for fun (and to replace background images on comments RIP) lol
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest changes on DEV build:
* Various mobile improvements
* Wrote a better dialog box system:
** Prevents accidental back/forward button usage
** Dialogs never physically go larger than 75% screen height and will scroll long content
* Login is the only thing so far to use the new Dialog Box
* Also Login no longer needs to reload the page after sign-in (this may break stuff, let me know below)
* Couple other things, can't remember, gnite!
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test commented
3 years ago
Also got the site loading 2x faster by lazy-loading most of the images :D
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test commented
3 years ago
Also experimenting with custom profile colors (which also show up on your comments instead of the background image to speed up loading on mobile). The colors are random for now but if this test is successful you will soon be able to define a profile color in your settings!
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test commented
3 years ago
Started adding sort options to our ListGrid component. All sections can now be sorted forwards or backwards. More complex sorting including the ability to specify which field to sort by coming when I get around to implementing server-side pagination...
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test commented
3 years ago
News articles now have their own page and comment section. I am noticing a bug with the rss parser that I didn't see before. Some news articles gain/lose their meta data over time.. bleh lol
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test posted
3 years ago
This project is really starting to grow! Unfortunately growth can lead to issues like namespace collisions lol. So in order to prevent it from getting worse I took the time to refactor some code on the DEV version to ensure stability between all sections. This fixes the recent issues with discs/bags not loading properly in a profile but could affect additional things I've overlooked. I've checked most things but let me know if anything crashes on ya :)
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test commented
3 years ago
Made some additional changes:
* Created a new Brand/Model badge that shows up on discs and the disc details page
* Experimenting with a new layout for the disc details page
* More stuff but I can't remember.. I'm tired.. gnite!
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mikerone commented
3 years ago
Lol.... image is great. Keep it up. This community is going to take off soon with all great features being added! Keep it up!
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest changes on DEV:
* Compare discs to one another!
* There's a new button on the discs details page to compare that disc to others
* Share with friends and leave comments! (final link may change)
* Still a WIP / Not complete!

Try it out: https://charlie.dev.bag.golf/compare/model-924,model-723
Basket Case

A disc golf community

Basket Case

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test posted
3 years ago
Latest DEV changes:
* New Display Modes: List View, Small / Large Cards, and Details!
* Added to all major sections: Bags, Discs, Brands, Parks, Groups and News
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test commented
3 years ago
Thanks @mikerone for the suggestion!
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test commented
3 years ago
NuxtJs Cannot read property '_normalized' of undefined

this error show when I try to fetch some data in nuxtjs Cannot read property '_normalized' of undefined This is my axios request in nuxtjs : async asyncData({app}){ var response = await...

Stack Overflow

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test commented
3 years ago
NuxtJs Cannot read property '_normalized' of undefined

this error show when I try to fetch some data in nuxtjs Cannot read property '_normalized' of undefined This is my axios request in nuxtjs : async asyncData({app}){ var response = await...

Stack Overflow

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test posted
3 years ago
New on DEV:
* New Images tab on posts / comments allows you to see all the photos upload to a section!
* Various bug fixes
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test posted
3 years ago
New on DEV:
* Improvements to Image tab on comments
* Bag Editor will now pop up if you try to add a disc without having any bags
* Bag Sorting is now easier
* New Disc Visibility status: Public, Draft or Delete!
* Park Course page/editor improvements
* Now showing less disc info on front page but doubled the number of discs displayed
* Various other things I can't remember because I'm exhausted.. gnite!
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test commented
3 years ago
Also, we are trying to wrap up all of the new features to release to the live server this weekend! Check back periodically for an announcement on the main group!
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mikerone commented
3 years ago
Awesome job! Make a hammock and get some sleep :)
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test posted
3 years ago
Tonight Part Two:
* You can now delete posts that you've created (via new drop down menu)
* Emote picker now shows all community reactions
* Fixed Profile Wizard ignoring that you've completed the 4th goal on refresh
* K, now Zzz for reals yo lol
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest changes:
* Fixed discs not saving properly when turn or fade are set to zero or blank
* Rewrote parts of the disc editor to include a form validator that makes it easier to spot errors when saving and previewing
* Testing needed! Gnite.
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test posted
3 years ago
Late night updates:
* Trying a new layout for the Disc Editor
* You can now mark discs as Tradable
* You can put discs in Bags if you have any in the db
* New features only show in editor for now, the rest of the site is clueless
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test commented
3 years ago
Ok, so I'm still up. I've made it so the profile now displays a list of bags if you have any. It will also pull the image of the first disc it finds for each bag. The ability to view the bag contents and sort the discs will be coming real soon! Zzzzz
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test posted
3 years ago
So when on the homepage on mobile I tend to look at more posts than I do discs. That being said I have moved posts before uploads so I don't have to scroll 5,000 years. Seems better but we'll see..

Feel free to leave your input on the matter here :)
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test posted
3 years ago
Happy New Year! Here's the latest change:
* You can now react to posts and comments! This is a work in progress and may change over the next couple days, but it works!
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test posted
3 years ago
Latest changes...
* Tweaked the look of posts and comments a little bit
* Rewrote the comment backend to be more stable
* Minimized the layout a bit by hiding the comment reply form until you click 'Leave Comment'. Feels much cleaner.
* k sleepy time
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test commented
3 years ago
Dang now that I'm in bed I'm noticing that profile goal #4 is broken with the new comment changes. I need to expose the comment count back to the parent... I'll do it tomorrow. So for now it'll say you have a post even if you don't.
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test posted
3 years ago
Moar changes, GO!
* Beta testing a new Profile Setup Wizard. You'll have to fill out your profile to see the bonus
* Fixed sub comments not loading the user's name and image
* Other various bug fixes I don't remember rn
* k gnite
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test posted
3 years ago
It's late here's what's changed:
* 60+ News Feeds! Stay informed with the world of DG!
* Old news section is migrating to changelog (TBA)
* Brands with feeds (like Innova) now have a news tab on their profile
* Hope you enjoy the changes and fixes :D
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test commented
3 years ago
A couple notes:
* I'm aware user info isn't showing up properly on all comments. Specifically outside of the homepage and user profiles..
* And the News thread seems to be making the site sluggish
* I'm le tired. So I will fix all of this tomorrow :P
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test posted
3 years ago
Another late night, here's an update:
* Users can now follow each other
* Your followers and who you follow will show up on your profile
* Posts to Users, Groups, Events and Parks will show up on your profile
* Put the Signup form on new Login dialog
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test posted
3 years ago
Was up late. Here are some new changes to dev:
* URL Previews in Posts and Comments
* New Groups Editor
* New Subscription System in Groups
* Groups Sorted by Sub Count
* New Brand Editor (Admin Only)
* New Model Editor (Admin Only)
* New Admin Section (Take a Guess)
* Random Bug Fixes
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mikerone posted
3 years ago
Having issues posting....
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test posted
3 years ago
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test posted
3 years ago
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test posted
3 years ago
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mikerone commented
3 years ago
Wow that's a pussy..... cat.
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test posted
3 years ago
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test posted
3 years ago
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test posted
3 years ago
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test posted
3 years ago
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test posted
3 years ago
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test posted
3 years ago
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test posted
3 years ago
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test posted
3 years ago
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test posted
3 years ago
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test posted
3 years ago
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chuck posted
3 years ago
Programming is fun. It's 4am. I should sleep.
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